Report on the Activities of the Asian Women's Fund, Five Years After Its Establishment
(Distributed to members of the media, during
a press conference on the occasion of Mr. Tomiichi Murayama's
appointment to the position of President of the AWF ) |
1 September 2000 |
The Asian Women's Fund was established
through the united efforts of the Government and people
of Japan. Its establishment was the result of a decision
made by the Japanese Government, which was painfully aware
of its moral responsibility for the so-called wartime
comfort women issue. The objectives of the AWF are to
promote two types of projects - projects expressing the
atonement of the Japanese people for the former comfort
women, and projects working for the resolution of problems
faced by women today. |
The Asian Women's Fund has been the object
of numerous criticisms since its establishment five years
ago, on 19 July 1995. The path taken by the AWF has been
strewn with many controversies, not limited to the simple
question as to whether the state should pay compensation.
In spite of numerous difficulties, the AWF has promoted
a number of projects and has achieved some fundamental
results, thanks to the encouragement of many donors and
Japanese people from various walks of life, and thanks
also to cooperation from officials in relevant ministries
and agencies of the Japanese Government. |
Projects of Atonement |
To date, Asian Women's Fund projects of
atonement have provided support to 170 former comfort
women in the Philippines, the Republic of Korea and Taiwan.
In addition, medical and welfare support projects, which
are one aspect of the projects of atonement, have provided
services to 77 former comfort women in the Netherlands.
This makes a total of 247 recipients of support. The AWF is also supporting projects in Indonesia under a program
called Promotion of Social Welfare Services for Elderly
People. |
Each recipient in the Philippines, the
Republic of Korea and Taiwan was given a letter of apology
from the Prime Minister of Japan when receiving support
under the projects of atonement. In his letter, the Prime
Minister recognizes that "the issue of comfort women,
which involved the Japanese military authorities at that
time, was a grave affront to the honor and dignity of
large numbers of women," and states that Japan is
"painfully aware of its moral responsibility"
with regard to all former comfort women "who underwent
immeasurable and painful experiences and suffered incurable
physical and mental wounds." The letter, signed by
the Prime Minister, expresses his "most sincere apologies
and remorse" to all such women. |
The AWF's projects of atonement consist
of three constituent parts. First of all, 2 million yen
is given as "atonement money" to each former
comfort woman. This money comes from donations from Japanese
people who share feelings of apology and remorse. Donations
received to date total about 448 million yen. Of this
amount, 340 million yen has been provided as "atonement
money" to 170 people in the Philippines, the Republic
of Korea and Taiwan, leaving a remainder of about 108
million yen. |
Secondly, as an expression of its feelings
of apology and remorse, the Japanese Government is using
its own financial resources to implement, through the
Asian Women's Fund, medical and welfare support for each
former comfort woman. The monetary amount of benefits
takes into consideration the cost of living in each country
or region, and is equivalent to 3 million yen per person
in the Republic of Korea, Taiwan and the Netherlands,
and 1.2 million yen per person in the Philippines. Project
objectives include housing improvements, nursing services,
and assistance for the provision of medical treatment
and pharmaceuticals. The projects are designed to take
into account the actual circumstances and wishes of each
former comfort woman. |
The above-mentioned letter of apology from
the Prime Minister of Japan is given to each recipient
as the third constituent part of the projects of atonement. |
Project Implementation, by Country and
Region |
I would now like to report on the AWF's
projects being implemented in the various countries and
region. |
In the Philippines, applications are submitted
under the assistance of LILA-PILIPINA, a prominent women's
group, and the Asian Center for Women's Human Rights (ASCENT),
which promotes the human rights of women. The applications
are examined by a task force of the Philippine Government
called Task Force on Filipino Comfort Women (TFFCW) (composed
of officials in departments and agencies of the Philippine
Government). Those who have been recognized as former
comfort women are provided with "atonement money"
by the Asian Women's Fund. The AWF also implements, for
their benefit, medical and welfare support projects through
the Philippine Government's Department of Social Welfare
and Development. Applications are being received steadily
and verification procedures are continuing. At the present
time, almost 160 applications are in the process of being
examined, and we expect that more applications will be
made before the deadline, August 2001, a date less than
a year away. |
In the Republic of Korea, the AWF has
not been able to obtain the understanding of the media
or activists' groups that are promoting a campaign with
former comfort women. The AWF was criticized after projects
were implemented for seven people who applied in January
1997, and as a result the projects were temporarily suspended.
Projects began again in January 1998, after notices were
placed in four of the country's newspapers. Later, the
Korean Government began providing public assistance payments,
after which the AWF requested, in a letter signed by
its former President, Bunbei Hara, that it be recognized
that potential recipients could receive both the AWF's
"atonement money" and the Korean Government's
public assistance payments because the two were different
in nature. Negotiations and various developments then
transpired, leading to the present suspension of projects
in the Republic of Korea, out of respect for the Government's
position and public opinion there. The AWF hopes to continue
efforts aimed at obtaining understanding for its projects. |
In Taiwan, too, the AWF has not been able
to obtain the understanding of the authorities or prominent
women's groups. Against this backdrop, the AWF is cooperating
with a lawyer, Mr. Lai Hao Min, who has stated that the
feelings of the former comfort women should be respected.
The AWF has designated his Wanguo Law Office as the place
where applications for support can be sent. In May 1997,
the AWF placed notices in three Taiwanese newspapers.
Once a year since then, it has placed the same notices
in newspapers in Taiwan, so that as many victims as possible
can learn about the AWF's projects, and so that other
people, too, will correctly understand the nature and
purpose of the projects. |
Former comfort women who have accepted
support under the AWF's projects of atonement have expressed
to us some of their profound emotions. |
One Korean victim decided to accept benefits
from the AWF , but indicated at first that she was unwilling
to meet a Fund representative. However, she later agreed
to a meeting. Upon hearing the representative read aloud
to her the letter from the Prime Minister, she burst into
tears, hugged the AWF's representative, and began to
speak through her tears about her experiences as a comfort
woman and the suffering she had endured after returning
to her own country. From this, we believe that she has
completely accepted the sincere expressions of apology
and remorse of the Government and people of Japan. |
With regard to the Netherlands, on 15 July
1998, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between
the AWF and the Project Implementation Committee in the
Netherlands. Medical and welfare support projects have
been implemented under the MOU, on a scale of 255 million
yen. Seventy-seven victims have accepted support, and
the project is now close to completion. |
In his letter to the Prime Minister of
the Netherlands, Japan's Prime Minister expressed his
Government's most sincere apologies and remorse to all
former comfort women. The letter was later given to each
victim recipient. Some victims sent the Project Implementation
Committee their expressions of gratitude and personal
messages, and here I would like to quote from one of those
letters: |
"I thank you for all you have done
and are committed to doing for me. I thank you not only
for this monetary compensation, but also for having recognized
the misery I experienced as a girl of 15. You have softened
the pain of a wound that is still open, a wound I have
endured through life." |
The Indonesian Government indicated that
it would not identify any former comfort women, and stated
to the Government of Japan that it would like to receive
support not in the form of assistance for individual former
comfort women, but in the form of social welfare services
for elderly people. After this request was relayed from
the Japanese Government to the Asian Women's Fund, on
25 March 1997, the AWF concluded a Memorandum of Understanding
with the Department of Social Affairs of the Government
of Indonesia. Under the terms of the MOU, financial support
for elderly people, amounting to a total of 380 million
yen, is to be provided over 10 years. During the first
two years of the project, 11 facilities for the elderly
were completed, and 124 people are now accommodated there. |
Project to Learn from History |
The project to learn from history is considered
to be an essential element within the AWF's projects
of atonement. |
The project consists of three components: |
- The AWF collates data from books and journals
relating to the comfort women. In September 1997,
it published "Ianfu" Kankei Bunken Mokuroku,
(List of Documents Relating to "Comfort Women").
This list was later placed in a database and made
available through the AWF's website (http://www.awf.or.jp).
- The AWF has published photoengraved printed versions
of comfort-women-related materials obtained during
investigations conducted by the Japanese Government.
The 5-volume work, entitled Seifu Chousa "Jugun
Ianfu" Kankei Shiryo Shusei (Compilation of Government-collected
Documentary Materials Relating to Wartime "Comfort
Women"), was published between March and
July 1997.
- The AWF also established the Committee for Historical
Materials on "Comfort Women." During travel
and research in 1996, 1997 and 1998, committee members
studied the "Diary of Department of the Army"
written by Setsuzo Kanehara held by the National Institute
for Defense Studies, documents in the possession of
the Okinawa Prefectural Government, and materials
at government archives in the U.S., the Netherlands,
Germany and Taiwan. During the same period, committee
members also conducted interviews in Indonesia and
Micronesia. The results of these investigations were
included in the AWF's publication, "Ianfu"
Mondai Chousa Hokoku 1999 (Collection of Reports of
Investigations into Documents Relating to "Comfort
Women", 1999, published in February 1999).
Copies of these publications were donated
to public libraries in Japan and the countries concerned,
and have received the high regard of relevant parties. |
Addressing Problems Faced by Women Today |
Violence against women and the violation
of their human rights are two problems that are as prevalent
as before in many parts of the world. Building on Japan's
remorse for the past, the Asian Women's Fund is actively
involved in efforts to resolve these problems, working
for their elimination in society through a variety of
projects. |
To promote efforts to eliminate domestic
violence, the trafficking of human beings, the commercial
exploitation of women, the violation of women's rights
during armed conflict, and the judicial maltreatment of
women, over the last five years the AWF has worked with
experts and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Japan
and abroad, and has organized international conferences
and promoted research, investigations and training sessions
in cooperation with local governments, the United Nations,
and other international organizations. |
To ensure that these numerous activities
produce positive results, the AWF issues reports, and
produces videos to be used for educational and public
awareness campaigns conducted by citizens' groups, local
governments and groups of women. The AWF also organizes
study sessions with a view to raising the potential of
providing aid and relief for women who are victims and
currently facing problems. |
AWF projects for the dignity of women
place importance on understanding and addressing problems
by looking at the issues through the victims' own eyes.
When we first launched such projects, some NGO representatives
could not understand why the AWF was involved, but I
believe that after five years of our activities, they
are steadily coming to accept our role and the significance
of our efforts. |
Future Goals of the Asian Women's Fund |
With the willingness of the Government
and people of Japan to cooperate, the Asian Women's Fund
has promoted two types of projects - projects expressing
the feelings of atonement all Japanese have toward the
former comfort women, and projects addressing problems
faced by women today. The AWF hopes that these projects
are contributing to the restoration of the honor of former
comfort women, and that our efforts will be of some assistance
to all women who have been victimized, helping them become
self-reliant. The AWF also wants to do what it can so
that all those who receive support under our projects
of atonement will be accepted without discrimination in
society. |
AWF projects addressing problems faced
by women today have enjoyed the support of many researchers,
local governments, media organizations, governments, international
organizations and NGOs, and we hope that we can work even
closer with such organizations and groups in the future. |
The AWF's projects of atonement have still
not been completed. We request in all sincerity even greater
understanding from the victims, relevant governments and
political authorities, and people in general. And we hope
that, in places where our projects have been suspended,
we will be able to recommence them after obtaining the
understanding of governments and relevant associations. |
The Asian Women's Fund |